Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend (WFSCB) launched Career Coach, an interactive labor market and career information tool available to the public through the WFSCB website. The tool provides current employment trends, wages, and job postings by occupation for the Coastal Bend region.
It also assists undecided students and job seekers with career assessments and a helpful resume writer, complete with marketable skills descriptions.
Start Here!
Take a quick, six question test and Career Coach will give you career suggestions based on your interests.
See Hot Jobs!
Take a look at what jobs are high paying and growing in your region right now!
Military Background
You can enter your Military Occupation Code (MOC) and Career Coach will match it to similar civilian careers.
Search Careers
Search for a career or job title and Career Coach will give you relevant data on wages, employment, and training.
Create a Resume
Resume Builder helps you put together a basic resume quickly.