
Since the pandemic, many businesses have had to learn how to do more with less. Furloughs, layoffs, and closures have taken a dramatic toll, and forced many who have remained in the workforce, to take on new roles and wear multiple hats.

Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend (WFSCB) stands ready to serve with the staff and resources to help your team focus on building your business. Whether it is posting a job opening, organizing a virtual hiring event or for the latest Labor Market Intelligence, our team will help you get the job done.

Work Experience Program

The Work Experience program offers employers a unique opportunity to work with potential employees, while the job seeker acquires marketable skills. Businesses that qualify will receive funding to cover employee wages. This benefits both the job seeker and the employer as Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend provides oversight and guidance for both parties as well as solutions to their employment challenges. For more information, please visit our website. To qualify for the Work Experience Program, please call (361) 882-7491 and ask for the Business Solutions Team.

How Does It Work?

  • Employer agrees to provide a worksite training opportunity by hiring a candidate.
  • Potential employees are selected from a pool of prescreened candidates whose skills have been matched to the job requirements.
  • An agreement is signed by your company representative and the employee before training begins.
  • The length of time, hours and wage standards vary from case to case. (To Be Determined).
  • The ultimate goal is to provide the employer a trained potential new employee and the job seeker an opportunity to acquire marketable skills which can be utilized to secure permanent employment.

Employer Benefits

  • Employee wages may be paid for by Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend.
  • Potential employees are prescreened and preselected.
  • Orientation is provided to both employer and job seeker.
  • Workforce Solutions Staff provides oversight for guidance and solutions to challenges.
  • Reduced hiring risk.

More Financial Assistance is Available for Small Business Owners

The Port of Corpus Christi, City of Corpus Christi and United Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce have partnered to provide relief to the Coastal Bend Small Business Community through the recently initiated Small Business Regional Pandemic Grant Program.

Through this partnership, Small Business Owners can receive a $500 utility account credit through the City of Corpus Christi and a $500 working capital grant provided by the Port of Corpus Christi to all eligible businesses.

To learn more and take advantage of this new program, complete the application at http://www.unitedccchamber.com/small-business-grant. Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend (WFSCB) stands ready to serve with the staff and resources to help your team focus on building your business. Whether it is posting a job opening, organizing a Virtual Hiring Event or for the latest Labor Market Intelligence, our team will help you get the job done. For more information, please contact Esperanza Vela at 361-500-8944 or esperanza.vela@workforcesolutionscb.org

$10 Million Statewide for Coastal Bend Businesses Available Now

Coastal Bend Businesses impacted by COVID-19 may obtain training for existing employees and new hires. The Skills Development Fund pays for the training through partnerships with public community and technical colleges, Workforce Development Boards, and the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX). All Coastal Bend Businesses can request information and submit an application if training is needed for employees. WFSCB has received the funding and is ready to distribute to eligible businesses. For more information, please contact Esperanza Vela at 361-500-8944 or esperanza.vela@workforcesolutionscb.org

COVID-19 related Employer Resources

Employers are encouraged to enroll in the Shared Work program as an alternative to layoffs. For more information about the Shared Work Program and to apply visit the twc.texas.gov/businesses/shared-work. However, if you are faced with temporary or permanent layoffs of 10 or more employees, you may qualify to enroll in the Mass Claims program. Please see this FAQ Sheet for further information regarding COVID-19 Resources for Employers

Additional Employer Resources

The fidelity bonding service helps at-risk job applicants get and keep a job. Click here for more information about Fidelity Bonding.

Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend supports an employer-driven, integrated system that consolidates employment, job training, and work-related services.

We operate eight Career Centers focused on investing in our regional economic success through access to jobs, training, and employer services.

We meet our mission by collaborating with industry, education, economic development and labor to develop a comprehensive regional workforce strategic plan; develop a trainable and available workforce, and provide workforce-relevant educational training opportunities for youth.

Through the Texas Workforce Commission, we track occupational/industry shifts and update employment information.




Posters Handouts & Fliers

Have A Workforce Professional Contact You!

Workforce Professionals are virtually available to assist you by phone, text, email, and online.
(361) 882-7491

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Stay up todate on all of our activity including hiring events, scholarships and training opportunites for job seekers, employers and students!

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